Tuesday, November 27, 2007

"Feed me..."

When you're pregnant, your actions, temperament and especially your diet are being influenced (consciously or unconsciously) by your pea in the pod. :)

For me, I really didn't have a bad craving unlike other preggy moms. I practically can eat or will eat anything edible hehehe (except for those that my OB told me not too) So I guess Baby J didn't have an influence on the type of food I'd eat.

But talking about the frequency when to eat...now that's a different story.

Early in my pregnancy, I would require munching every 2 hours. I would even wake up at the wee hours of the morning, 2am and then 4am and then 6am, feeling hungry and having the need to munch on something, anything.

I would usually eat a slice of bread, a few crackers or maybe a bowl of cereal. Well it would all depend on what's available and within reach.

I'd feel so sleepy but the same time sooo hungry. It's like your body is telling you "Go back to sleep..." but there's a voice whispering in your ear "Feed me..." So I would end up having no choice but to follow my stomach :)

Then on the later part of the 2nd trimester, the two hour intervals became 4 hours...whew! No more waking up in the middle of the night but mind you, there's got to be food if I asked for it. Because if not...bad mood! ahahahha

Now that I'm on my 3rd trimester, it's easier now. I don't feel hungry as much as before and still no particular cravings. Oh and this is my food schedule now :)

  • 9:30AM-10AM - wake up and grab breakfast

  • 12nn - Lunch

  • 3PM-4PM - merienda

  • 7PM - dinner

  • 10:30PM - midnight snack

  • 1AM - no food just wiwi break :)

  • 5AM - light snack (cracker, 1 slice of bread or pandesal)

* Well I mentioned that I didn't have a real craving during this pregnancy right. Oh I just remembered that during the 1st trimester I craved for Chili's mashed potatoes. But that was just a short stint but I really could finish the whole serving all by myself. :) Then just last month, I craved for pineapples which I NEVER and HATED eating before but then tasted oh so yummy. :) Now, I'm back to having no cravings, just make sure there's food when I ask for it! hahaha

Monday, November 26, 2007

Our dreams...

At 34 weeks, Ric and I are getting anxious and excited with the upcoming arrival of our baby :)

Well Ric is still in Hanoi and his flight will still be on the 28th of December and my estimated due date is January 8 of next year. Hopefully everything goes well and as scheduled so that Ric wouldn't have to miss Baby J's birth in case he decides to come out early (Oh no! Wait for daddy, baby.) :)

The other night, Ric and I had this conversation about what we dream for Baby J to be when he grows up.

Well being the sporty type, Ric immediately said that he dreams or would like Baby J to excel in ofcourse...basketball. "Just like Kobe" he said. So I told him, ok let's enrol him to the Milo Best Training Camp as soon as possible heheheh

We finished our conversation and said our goodnights but I wasn't able to tell Ric my dreams for Baby J. Hmmm...a successful doctor, lawyer, engineer, businessman or maybe a famous star, performer, athlete, artist...so many good things...so many dreams...

Well I realized that no matter what Baby J decides to be when he grows up, all we can do as parents is to guide, encourage and support him.

Then it came to me that I should've told him that my real dream for Baby J is... to be just like him...to be just like his dad.